Friday, July 6, 2012

Natural Meets Supernatural

Here's where natural meets supernatural.  Aren't our lives like this?  We spin on a natural plane, doing every day life stuff.  And there, beyond the edge of all we see, is God's supernatural presence hemming it all in.  It's a rhythm of natural and supernatural...the seen and the unseen.

Our days are filled with a "new normal" routine, with many little activities.  Yesterday, Sandija hung up some index cards of English words on objects around the house.  This is the everyday natural stuff of our lives nowadays.

And in the midst of our regular activities, if we are quiet inside ourselves, we can sometimes hear a little prompting.  The supernatural presence of God breathes somehow into our otherwise typical day.  We are His Hands are His Feet, and I believe He wants to reach out and love others through us.  Yesterday, after I put fresh sheets on Sandija's bed, I felt a prompting to leave a little note for her to discover.  It hadn't been an easy day, and I was thoroughly exhausted.  So the note wasn't my human idea.  It was simply where the natural and the supernatural collide...where He uses a broken and imperfect vessel to pour out His love.

We can never fully understand how He moves and works.  It's beyond amazing to me.  He's God of the  Universe.  That's easy to say, but have you ever watched someone encounter Jesus in a different language than the one you speak?  You see...I can explain Jesus to my children.  I can explain all I know to them and lead them to Him.  But, with Sandija, I am incapable of doing this in the same way I do with my children.  The language barrier keeps me from fully being able to explain in words.  We had purchased the Jesus Film in Latvian for her.  So, yesterday we popped it in the computer to let her watch it.  And there God was presenting His salvation message to her in her heart language, without me sticking my hands in.  Yes, He's God of the universe, God of people of every language.  And the Holy Spirit can work in hearts of all languages and cultures.  This is where the supernatural is so obvious...those precious Latvian words filling up our home, teaching a teenager His truths, moving and working in ways I could never manage to do...ways that I cannot see with my eyes or hear with my ears.  It's like wind through the trees.  It's where the supernatural weaves its way through the natural, and we get to have a front row seat to watch Him work.

The days have not been without trial.  And tears.  But every day I have seen the evidence that God is working in this.  I may not understand it, and at times I'm too exhausted to recognize it.  But it's always every-present blending and weaving together of His Hands into our days.

And He blesses and cares for us in so many details!  Yesterday we received a gift card from new friends at our church who wanted to help us with expenses while Sandija is staying with us.  This morning another good friend (who is becoming a foster parent) shared a devotional message with me that met me exactly where I needed to be met today.  Tonight yet another precious friend brought over dinner for us so that I didn't have to cook.  He says He knows our needs before we even ask.  I needed it, and He provided.

So, we march forward, one day at a time into His Will for our lives...watching Him meet our natural moments with His supernatural presence and love.

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