A few weeks ago, our pastor spoke about doing the things that God's Hand is upon us to do. Some people may become missionaries while others carry His light to the lost and lonely right in their own hometowns. Neither is more important. The factor that all things revolve around is whether or not God's Hand is upon you to do a thing.
Someone may step out to become a missionary because they long for the adventure or because they want to experience another culture or because they feel
guilted into that lifestyle. All are wrong reasons to go. The only thing that matters is whether God's Hand is upon you to do it.
Someone may stay in their hometown and never consider ministry anywhere else because they like the comfort of their familiar surroundings or because they are afraid of the unknown or because they simply don't even consider such "radical" changes in their lives. All are wrong reasons to stay. The only thing that matters is whether God's Hand is upon you to do it.
What is God's Hand upon you to do? What burdens your heart? What stirs your spirit? Consider on those things, and ask God: What is Your Hand upon me to do? And then DO IT. You cannot stay if His Hand is upon you to go, and you cannot go if His Hand is upon you to stay. You want to be wherever His Hand is upon you because it is there that miracles reside. It is there that His Kingdom advances through you in mighty ways. And it is there that you will be happiest because you'll be in the center of His Hand and Will.
I've gone back again to study Nehemiah and how he led the rebuilding of that wall. In chapter 4, we see how half of the workers were working with their hands to rebuild the wall, while the other half of the workers were standing guard to make sure that nothing stopped the rebuilding of the wall. Both jobs were important and necessary. Neither job was of lesser value. It all depended on what God had created each person to do.
Some people may step into adventures that take them across the globe to bring light into the darkness, while others may stay home to stand guard to make sure that work gets done (praying, supporting, advocating). We all have a divine calling, and every job is necessary and important to furthering His Kingdom. The deciding factor should always be: What is His Hand upon me to do?
And then go do that thing with all your focus and energy and love!