Sunday, November 15, 2009

Still and Quiet

Recently something happened that was not at all fair, and my insides screamed for justice! I took matters into my own hands (see my recent post about my idol of control...and pray for me!). Yep, I did it again...I tried to fix things (people!), and I ended up with a bigger mess than when I started.

So, when I awoke at 2am the next morning, I began to pray. I REALLY wanted God to show me what to do when I face circumstances like that. And again I found Him to be faithful. He led me straight to Psalm 131. It's short...only 3 verses...but its impact was immense. "Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don't concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me. But I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother. Yes, like a small child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord---now and always."

Have you ever been reading God's Word, and the Holy Spirit just stirs something?? Well, this hit me... I am to be STILL and QUIET, even when something unfair or upsetting happens. And that is not a natural still and quiet. It is supernatural and only comes from my soul resting fully completely in my Lord. If I truly trust in Him as I say I do, then I will trust Him to make the wrong things right. If I truly put my trust in Him, then my soul will wait confidently, being still and quiet instead of taking matters into my own hands.

And that little piece of wisdom unlocked a whole other area that I had been seeking Him in...

We are praying about some very specific ways of helping more of His children (more details to come!). And He spoke very clearly to me, saying that these children need an atmosphere of healing. Our own daughter who has only been out of the orphanage for 3 months needs a daily atmosphere that fosters the healing she needs. I remember one day a few weeks ago I was rushing about the house getting things done (the never-ending list that we Mamas have), and I was just busy busy busy rushing to and fro, from room to room. Our daughter came up to me and clung to my leg. I scooped her up, kissed her and then continued my pace to get the next thing done. But my Heavenly Father stopped me in my tracks, and as clear as day in my spirit, I heard, "She cannot heal like this." It literally STOPPED me right where I was (right in front of the dryer with the door open and a pile of laundry waiting to be folded)!

There's nothing wrong with getting things done. We NEED to keep an orderly house. But the busy rushing and nervous energy does not facilitate a calm atmosphere where little hearts can thrive.

So, when God brought me to those verses about being still and quiet before Him, I knew He was teaching me HOW to create an atmosphere in my home. Sometimes we get busy just to be busy, when in reality we need to just still and quiet ourselves before Him and do just those things He's setting before us. His careful pruning shears come out again, and I submit to them. Lord, help me truly believe that YOU are working in everything, and let me confidently wait on You with a quiet and still spirit.

(And how do I get my to-do list done without rushing about?? Well, that is an ongoing challenge. I'll share more someday soon.)

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